Tuesday, November 21, 2006

We Get Paid Too Much

As a resident, I get paid way, way, too much. I figure I must clear at least ten dollars and hour and I really can't spend this princely sum.

I propose they cut resident pay to a more realistic $5.75 and hour like the rest of the minimum wage world. We really don't deserve more.

No, really, it's a privilege to supply narcotics to the underserved.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Panda, I was wondering if you had any problems with NRMp when you switchwed residencies. I talked to my PD about it and he seemed real cool and then 2 days later I get a letter from NRMP saying I have violated my match. Any advice

2:47 PM  
Blogger Panda Bear said...

You only sign a contract for a year. If you finish out your year then you have nothing to worry about.

If you switch in the middle of the year then technically you are in violation but if your new program is cool with it how does it matter? The NRMP is not a branch of the government. Unless they want to take the extraordinary step of bringing a suit against you the worst they can do is block you from participating in the NRMP...but if you are already established in your new program then what does it matter.

Telling your PD that you are thinking of switching is not a violation of your contract. I looked at mine and it has no restrictions on freedom of speech. You are not in violation until you are in fact in violation.

What did the letter say?

Do not let your PD intimidate you into staying if you want to leave. If anything this should steel your resolve.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Chief Howling Wolf said...

don't forget about this blog, too!

8:18 PM  

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